Uniform Specs

The letters and numbers next to the costume pieces in are the color codes. First is primary and second is secondary. The letters are for the rows, or the shortest side. And the Numbers represent the columns. 1 at the top working its way down to 16. "A" starting at the Left and working its way right to "J". [The Heroes of Ingar uniform is 100% optional! The purple we use is from bottom left corner, up 4 and over 3.]

Head: optional
-Detail 1: Government Glasses C13(purple) J1(white)

Upper Body: Trench Coat or Jacket
For Trench Coat
- Long Basic J1(white) J1(white)
- Sleeves Basic J1(white) J1(white)

For Jacket
- Jacket: Military Vest J1(white)
- Sleeves: Military Sleeve J1(white)

For Both
- Chest: Dress Shirt C13(purple) J1(white)
- Gloves: Bare Hands
- Belt: Jewel J1(white) C13(purple)

Lower Body
- Pants: Tucked In
- Cargo: Starburst J1(white) C13(purple)
- Boots: Smooth or Stilettos
- Shinny Leather: Blend C13(purple) J1(white)

Aura: N/A