Uniform Q & A

Q: Do we really need a uniform?
A: No, we don't. But as everyone knows, a great SG has a uniform! A uniform defines our group and players will recognize the super group just by seeing the uniform (think about all those Citizens running around).

Q: Do I have to wear the uniform to be part of Heroes of Ingar?
A: We do not require you to wear the uniform at all times. Your toon's individuality is important to us, hence the flexibility of the uniform.

Q: When should I wear the uniform?
A: Whenever you so choose. Although it is requested that if you are with other super group members, that you sport the uniform. The more we have wearing it, the more recognizable we become and more people will look to join us. [Note: Once you reach Level 20 or 30 and gain your new costume slot, please use it for our uniform.]

Q: I'm broke and can't afford to buy the uniform. What should I do?
A: Speak with any higher level member. Someone will be willing to donate to your cause.

Q: I think the uniform is GREAT! How can I be like Garett?
A: There is and can only be one Garett.